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I am a foreigner, what do I need to be able to drive in Brazil without having problems with traffic inspection?
The driver of a motor vehicle, coming from a foreign country and with a valid license within his country, provided that is criminally imputable in Brazil, may drive in national territory when supported by international conventions or agreements, ratified and approved by the Federative Republic of Brazil and, equally, by the adoption of the of Reciprocity Principle, within a maximum period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days, respecting the validity of the original license. The period will start from the date of entry into the Brazilian territory.
The driver must carry:
I – A valid foreign driver’s license;
II – International Driving Permit (PID) accompanied by a valid foreign driver’s license, in the case of documents issued by a Contracting Party to the Vienna Convention of 1968;
III – Identification document; and
IV – Proof of entry into the country.
Alien Registration
It is the issuance of the Brazilian National Driver’s License so that the foreigner whose driver’s license is from a signatory country of the Vienna Convention or who meets the principle of reciprocity can drive motor vehicles in Brazil.
To drive in Brazil after 180 days from the date of entry into the country, the qualified foreigner in one of these countries must request, at any time, the issuance of the Brazilian Driver’s License.
1 – Carry a valid driver’s license from the country of origin and personal identification document:
– Original and copy of the Permanent Migration National Registry (RNM) or (former RNE), or Federal Police Certificate containing personal data and its validity in Brazil;
– Original and copy of CPF;
– Original and copy of proof of address issued within three months in the name of the interested party or declaratory public deed;
– Original and copy of valid foreign driver’s license with sworn translation;
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2 – Be from a signatory country of the Vienna Convention or that comply with the principle of reciprocity.
Hire this service and legal advice, Auto Escola Líder.